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comfortable, engaging, bright

The Davis Community

Porters Neck, Wilmington, NC

The Davis Skilled Nursing Facility was redesigned to fit a new model of care, separating what was one large facility with a singular, shared dining room and sporadically spaced social areas into nine unique households, each with their own dedicated kitchen, dining room, living areas, family room, salon and spa. The Davis Community needed spaces that were inviting with a residential feel, bright, cheery, the kind of place that you would want to live or your loved ones to lived. The household concept was new at the time. The idea of the household concept is to allow for more individual, privatized care by having the residents’ rooms closer to other spaces to welcome engagement and get them out of their rooms.

The design concept for the Lightkeepers Household, shown in the header image, was based on shaker style. We brought in light, natural woods, soft yellows and blues, evident in the decorative chandeliers and table style. The hand-cut glass mosaic fireplace tile was one of our favorite elements incorporated. We hunted antique shops for accessories to find items that residents may have had in their own homes to evoke comfort and familiarity. This project is unique because we used the same template but designed it nine different times – one floor plan with many unique identities. Some of the households needed to be designed for way-finding and other specific needs, not only to be aesthetically pleasing. In addition, we needed to take durability into account. Medical-grade, bleach-cleanable materials were necessary, but we were tasked with presenting them in a soft, inviting way.

This project is unique because we used the same template but designed it nine different times – one floor plan with many unique identities.
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